Habit of reading is more important.To improve the reading habit and motivate students to read, many activities are organized in the library as a part of Book and Newspaper Club.

Books are our true companions. Reading is a conversation. All books talk. The School boasts of two well stocked Libraries catering to the needs of the Primary, Middle and Higher Secondary School. Each class is allotted one period in the weekly timetable for the issuance of books. However, the library is open to both the staff and the students who can make use of the Reference Section of the library. The Library has a Reading room where periodicals and well-known dailies are available. The Library has over 10,000 documents consisting of General Reading Books, Reference Books, Text Books, CDs and Charts& Maps on a variety of subjects and Collection of Question Banks for Competitive Examination and Academics.


HUTCHINGS SCHOOL TALEGAON is proud to have a Physics Laboratory that equips the students to have hands on experience.

The flat-topped tables used as student workstations allow multiple arrangements and combinations for laboratory work and small-group activities. The equipment ranges from the commonly found lens, magnet, beam balance, spring balance, glass prism to the advanced apparatus like voltmeter, ammeter and resistors.

It aids the students’ understanding of using laboratory equipment.  Moreover, it makes them realize the importance of direct observation as compared to inference based on theory.


The Chemistry laboratory of our school can boast of possessing one of the best infrastructures amongst most schools.

The granite working tables and shelves make it easier to keep the lab spick and span. There is a surplus stock of the required apparatus and chemicals. Sufficient space for storage is available with enough cupboards. Books and practical based reading material is available for reference. The laboratory is adorned with the pictures of famous scientist arranged chronologically with a brief description of their contribution in the field of Chemistry.


Computers help children to be in control of their skills, to set their own pace, and challenge.

Advantages of Computers

  • Introduces educational skills.
  • Teaches special and logical skills.
  • Prepares children for future computer
  • Increases self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Boosts problem-solving skills.
  • Stimulates language comprehension.
  • Improves long-term memory and manual dexterity.


Biology Laboratory of Hutchings School Talegaon is well equipped, in accordance with the latest ICSE syllabus. In the Biology laboratory students can do research on small plants, small invertebrates, micro-organisms, animal cells, plant cells and tissue culture. The Biology laboratory equipment allows students to interact directly with the data gathered. Students develop an interest in scientific research in the laboratory. When they observe various things and carry out different experiments, their reasoning skills are honed and they start thinking deeply about the various theories and concepts.


Hutchings School Talegaon Auditorium was inaugurated on 3rd December, 2019 and is referred to as Multipurpose Hall. It is the hub of all activities.  Not only Annual Days, Drawing Competitions, PTA Meetings,Exhibitions, Farewell Programs, Workshops for students and teachers held here but also Indoor Activities like Table Tennis, Chess and other Indoor Games.  It is also where ICSE Board Examinations are conducted. The hall resonates with memories of various events.