History of Hutchings School, Talegaon

HUTCHINGS SCHOOL, TALEGAON is a unit of the Mumbai  Regional Conference of the Methodist Church in India. It is managed through the Governing Body of the Educational Institutions, by Bishop Dr.Anilkumar John Servand, the Chairman; Rev. Joseph Dhalwale, the Manager; Mrs. Shobha Cornelius, the Principal and other Managing Committee Members.

The History of Hutchings goes back to a legacy of more than 140 years to 1879 when the then (Methodist High School)  was formed as a unit of the Methodist Episcopal  Church by Rev. William E. Robbins and Rev. William Taylor. The School started with 49 children in a rented house as co-educational in nature with boarding facility.  It was renamed “Taylor High School” in 1890.

“The Women’s Foreign Missionary Society (WFMS)” of the Methodist Episcopal Church took over the education of girls of Taylor High School thereby leading to the formation of ‘Taylor High School for Girls’ and ‘Taylor High School for Boys’

In 1888, the ‘Anglo-Indian Girls’ Orphanage and Home’ with 33 children was founded by Miss Dawley, an American Missionary at Arsenal Road. In 1893 this Orphanage and Home was brought under the supervision of Mrs. Emily Hutchings, a Missionary of Scottish descent and a member of WFMS. She adopted ‘EBENEZER’ as her motto meaning ‘rock or stone of help’ in Hebrew. It functioned at Baptist Chapel on East Street, Poona, which was purchased from the sale proceeds of the house of Mrs. E. Hutchings in London. 

With the passage of time the Taylor High School for Boys was closed down. In 1913 the Orphanage and Home was merged with the Taylor High School for Girls and Mrs. E. Hutchings became the superintendent with Miss Agnes C. W. Dove assisting her.

Mrs. E. Hutchings was born on 6th Feb 1851 and died on 15th April 1943 in Kolar, near Bangalore after having completed nearly 50 years of ministry- a ministry of commitment, compassion and above all following the teachings of Christ. Her sensitive and loving nature touched so many lives that she was fondly called ‘Mama Hutchings’. In 1925 Mrs. E. Hutchings received the KAISAR-I-HIND medal from the Government of India for her service to the community.

The House system was introduced in 1929 by Mrs. E. Hutchings. A silver cup was awarded to the house holding the highest number of points and it was presented for the first time at the Prize Distribution Ceremony in 1930. The school has 4 houses emulating four great personalities – Wesley, Livingstone, Thoburn and Robinson.

  • WESLEY HOUSE was named after the great English religious reformer and founder of Methodism, John Wesley. It is distinguished by deep blue colour and carries its motto 'MY UTMOST FOR THE HIGHEST' on the house banner.
  • LIVINGSTONE HOUSE honours the Scottish Missionary David Livingstone. The green colour belongs to this house and its motto is 'FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT'.
  • THOBURN HOUSE pays tribute to an educationist,Isabella Thoburn who contributed to the growth of girls’ education in India. The House colour is yellow. It’s motto is 'PERSEVERANCE'.
  • ROBINSON HOUSE looks up to Bishop J. W. Robinson, an English Missionary who loved, lived and died in India. The red colour distinguishes this house whose motto is 'TRUTH AND DUTY'

Mrs. E. Hutchings was succeeded by Miss Agnes C. W. Dove, Miss Corner, Miss Mackenzie, Miss Winslow and Miss Calkins in that order. It was in 1946 when Bishop John A. Subhan was Chairman and Miss Calkins was the Principal, the name was changed to “Hutchings High School” in honour of Mrs. E. Hutchings’ selfless service. In 1960 when BishopMongal Singh was the Chairman, Mrs. D. Samuel was appointed and she was the first Indian Principal. Over the years the school has seen many Bishops, Ministers, Deaconesses and Principals who have contributed immensely, making the school what it is today.

Since the year 1981, when the Methodist Church in India became an autonomous and affiliated body the Institution grew further in strength and stature under the leadership of Indian Church leaders. The following leaders’ services are greatly appreciable.

Thus, from a modest beginning, Hutchings High School rose in stature and acclaim to the wonderful institution as it stands today. These passing years have seen many Principals and administrators who have contributed immensely in making the school what it is at present.

The School made a landmark achievement in the year 2009, inaugurating the first branch school “Hutchings school, Talegaon” on the 24th of October by Bishop Dr. Elia Pradeep Samuel, with 184 children and 17 staff body. The first batches of the school officers were Bishop Dr. Elia Pradeep Samuel as the Chairman;Rev.Dr. C. Selvin as the Manager and Mrs. Manju Bhosle as the Principal.

The Hutchings School Talegaon is recognized by the State Government of Maharashtra and Affiliated to CISCE New Delhi.The first batch of class X has given their ICSE board examination in 2019 – a milestone of the school, with 100% result. 

Presently, the school has on roll1048 children with 46 staff members. The institution is managed by Bishop Dr.Anilkumar JohnServand as the Chairman; Rev. Dr. S. Retnamony as the Manager;Mrs. Shobha Cornelius as the Principal along with the other Managing Committee Members.

”To God be the glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore.”


Bishop Dr.Anilkumar John Servand


Rev. Joseph Dhalwale


Mrs. Shobha Cornelius




HST infuses the spirit of Indian Education by refining the sensitivities and perceptions of the students, So that they contribute to national cohesion, develop a scientific temper and independence of mind and spirit – thus serving as an asset to the nation by furthering the goals of socialism, secularism and democracy enshrined in our Constitution.

With immense pride and great pleasure, I welcome you to the school’s Website. Our institution has marched forward to spread the light of education and pave the path of academic excellence for every student.

The management of Hutchings School Talegaon brings together a great learning community. We strive to build independent, responsible, global citizens through a widely accepted curriculum and practices that are founded on learner-centric education.

We aim to inspire success, confidence and hope in each student. Hutchings School Talegaon is committed to providing educational excellence for mental, Physical, Moral and Social Development.

We have a talented, dedicated, caring team of staff, each of whom works very hard to ensure that the abilities of the children in our care are nurtured and carefully developed.

As we open our doors to each new generation of students, expectations run high as we believe that each and every one of them will grow into the stars in our skies. 



“I am honoured and feel privileged to be the Principal of Hutchings School, Talegaon. I am always excited and look forward to, working with our students, staff and parents to make Hutchings the best school it can be. My commitment to our community is to lead the school with enthusiasm and passion to enable us to reach our goals.

We will continue to develop and enhance a school that:

  • Focuses on the development of the whole child.
  • Strives for the highest academic standards.
  • Reflects the values of its community.
  • Has a personalised curriculum for each child.
  • Involves the community in learning.
  • Develops true partnerships that value each child.
  • Promotes Sports which develops a sense of friendliness, team spirit, mental and physical toughness.
  • Trains children to interact with nature and allows them to learn and experiment with ideas in natural environment.

I have an open-door policy and urge all parents to take this opportunity to discuss any issue with me so that we can move forward together.

We truly have a fantastic school with a supportive and involved parent community, dedicated and highly skilful staff, excellent resources and buildings and the most fantastic students to work with.

Mrs. Shobha Cornelius, Principal of Hutchings School Talegaon.