

The Principal can in the interest of the school, and without assigning any reason ask a parent to remove a student, should the Student’s conduct, behavior or influence in the Principal’s opinion be in any way detrimental to the good name and smooth running of the school.

1. Students must be in school till the last working day and return after holidays on the reopening day failing which a fine will be levied.

2. All Students must be regular in school in attendance and latecomers will be fined or sent home. The school gates will close at 07:30 a.m. Thereafter, the school will not be responsible for any latecomers.

3. A student coming to school with nits and lice in his/her hair will be given two warnings after which the child will be given a crew cut in the school and charged for the same or sent home.

4. Students suffering from infectious diseases or those who have been exposed to such diseases in their homes must complete the quarantine period before rejoining the school. After recovery, a fitness certificate by a doctor must be produced.

5. Students using abusive language or behaving in a boisterous manner will be punished or asked to leave the school.

6. Students are expected to be honest and respect the right of others. They are not supposed to take away books or other articles which do not belong to them.

7. School property wilfully damaged or destroyed must be restored. The cost of repair will be borne by the Students concerned.

8. Children should not buy any edibles from hawkers.

9. Watches from Class 5 onwards with black straps. No fluorescent flashy dials, no digital calculators, or alarms in the watches.

10. Any books, periodical magazines, comics, or pictures of any kind not approved by the school will be confiscated.

11. Children must come in clean uniforms and those who do not come in proper school uniforms will be punished or sent home. Any student shabbily or untidily dressed will be sent home. Special attention must be paid to the hair.

12. Girls are expected to come with their hair neatly combed, plated, and tied if long with black ribbons only. Hair should not fall over the forehead. No jewelry should be worn with the school uniform.

13. Boys must have a proper hair cut regularly. If not, they will be given a hair cut in the school and charged or sent home.

14. Expensive articles should not be brought to school. The school will not be responsible if they are lost.


Late Coming: Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence for more than a week, habitual late-coming.

Littering: Students’ found throwing litter on the school premises.

Improper Attire: Students’ not coming in proper school uniforms.

Improper Appearance : Students’ found wearing ear studs, hair-clips, wrist bands and any other dress code violation.

Defiance: Students’ refuse to follow adult direction or classroom or school rules, talkback or exhibit socially rude behavior.

Cheating : Violates rules and regulations.

Forgery: Signing another person’s name.

Lying: Deceiving another by telling an untruth.

Fighting : Students’ fight with or otherwise intentionally cause injury to another.

Harassment: Students engage in behaviors that threaten, intimidate, demean, embarrass, or ridicule a student or staff member.

Abusive language: Students deliver verbal messages to another person that includes swearing, name-calling, or use of words in an inappropriate way.

Misuse of Electronic Device: Students’ bringing banned Electronic gadgets like Cell Phone, Music / Video players, Cameras, or Laptops.

Possession of Dangerous Objects: Students in possession of dangerous objects or other objects readily capable of causing bodily harm. (real or look-alike)

Property Damage Vandalism: Students engage in behavior that results in destruction or disfigurement of property belonging to students, staff, or school.

Theft: Students in possession of, having passed on, or being responsible for removing someone else’s property.

Pre- Nursery 08:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Nursery 08:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Preparatory 07:30 AM to 01:00 PM
Class I to IV 07:30 AM to 01:00 PM
Class V to X 07:30 AM to 02:00 PM
School Office Timings
08:30 AM to 09:30 AM
07:30 AM to 01:00 PM

Principal’s Visiting Hours
:   Strictly between 08:30 AM to 09:30 AM on every working day of the school and between 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM only with prior appointment.

1) Students should not be kept away from school except due to illness.Children often miss important work when they are absent. Tuitions can never really make up for class work missed.

2) If an appointment during school hours is made with a doctor,the student must not be sent to school on that day.

3) Attending wedding and other functions outside the station during school time interferes with the routine and school discipline. Parents are requested not to take students with them to attend these functions.

4) The Principal reserves the right to refuse leave of absence for religious festivals, weddings and other ceremonies at home, if it interferes with the students work in the school or the school discipline.

5) Parents are requested to adjust their programme of leaving the station, so as to coincide with the holidays of the school and thus reduce to an absolute minimum the need for absence on school days which is always detrimental to the smooth running and discipline of the school.

6) In case of sickness, intimation must be given to the office immediately. Absence over three days requires a fitness and medical certificate.

7) No child may leave the school premises during the working hours of the school without the permission of the Principal.

8) The date of opening and closing of the school must be strictly observed.